Saturday, July 26, 2008

J's First Hair Cut/My worst day

I love J's curls more than anyone and have been resisting this day forever. Finally I was brow-beaten into what was promised to be "a little trim."

Here are some "before" pics from this morning....

And this is what they did to my son - he looks like an 87 year old corporate nerd!

Friday, July 11, 2008


We took our first trip to Vermont - 4 babies + 4 adults. It was a little crazy at times...but a ton of funChilling on the shore in front of the cabin
S was an expert kayak-er
the boys chilled out on Cloak Island

I'm getting a lot of pressure to give J a hair cut ....

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A's blog debut

The babies were psyched to see A (but not so psyched to be held by mom & dad as you can see in this pic). More trips to NYC mean more buses and cars - their favs